The Future of Career Counselling As A Career

Are you also skeptical about career counselling as a profession? Is it a safe job? Is this career space having a good future? What are the growth opportunities? These doubts are very common for anyone who wants to enter a new line of career. But think it this way. Did anyone think that artificial intelligence would grow as a field so much? That it will make a fixed presence in our lives and companies will start researching about it? No one ever thought that data analytics and big data would be so important that the decisions of companies will revolve around them. The same goes with career counselling, the emerging field of study and new career options being added it has become vital for students to make sound decisions and they have started consulting for expert options leading to increased demand for career counsellors. Why you should choose career counselling? Career counselling has seen a seven-fold increase in job postings and is growing rapidly. According to t...