Why Should Parents Know About Career Counselling?

Parents play a paramount role in shaping the life of their children. They are the pillars of support, guidance, and love; and are at the bottom of shaping and moulding their children’s behaviour and blossoming. There’s no doubt that parenthood is a demanding and responsible journey. As a parent, you want the best of everything for your child, you want to be able to provide all the necessary tools required, for them, to become successful. A well-planned career is instrumental in a happy and satisfied life. Parents, having gone through this process can help their children from making mistakes in selecting a career. They need to be facilitators of the interests of their child. On one hand, parents’ experience can help in the career selection process, on the other hand, sometimes, it might hinder it. Although, parents have gone through this process, the times have changed, drastically. The children, today, have to deal with totally different circumstances and sometimes the parents’ choices...