Emotional Counselling for Anger Management


Have you also been in a situation, where you have regretted for not controlling your anger in a heated conversation with someone? And apologized later?

It is normal for human being to express their anger because it is one of their emotions. It is healthy for you to let out what’s in your mind. But what is important is the control you should have over your anger.

Anger and managing anger are two different things. Anger is one of your reactions to a situation that you don’t like. And when this anger goes to the extreme, here is where it’s important to have control over it. Otherwise, it pushes you to take action and you practice it verbally and physically.

For example, you are going up on a street and you see the stray animals being abused. You didn’t like it and you felt angry. Excessive anger would be that you use physical actions against that person first and do not talk to him for once to make him understand. Not being able to manage your anger is not healthy for physical and mental health.

If you also think that you are experiencing this situation, then continue to read and find out some of the signs which help to signify that you need counselling for your anger management:

·         Blaming others: Have you also started putting all the blames for your mistakes on someone else head. And then fell angry. But in reality, you are an equal contributor to the situation you are in. Often people are not angry because they are in a problem. They are angry because they think someone else has pushed them into the problem. But it is all the game of how you interpret the situation for yourself. If you are also experiencing bad relationships, and poor performance at the office then this is a sign that you should take emotional counselling.

·         Passive Aggressiveness: When a person is not able to manage his anger it’s not just the physical action he takes or he shows anger verbally. This can be experienced much later, but an early sign of this is passive-aggressiveness. It can be elaborated by the change in behaviour of a person towards others like acting mean, talking sarcastically every time, and being apathetic.

For more info, visit https://www.curominds.com/7-signs-that-you-need-counselling-for-anger-management/.


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